List of potential research grant providers

List of potential research grant providers

  Check out the list below to find a suitable research grant for your research proposal.     AGAUR Beatriu de Pinos Postdoctoral fellowships ARUK Research Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships ARUK Senior Research Fellowship PI salary funds BAEF postdoctoral fellows Postdoctoral fellowships Banting postdoctoral fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship...Read more
4 things make you a distinguished scientist.

4 things make you a distinguished scientist.

Science becomes an applicable art that revolutionizes the understanding of the most complex concepts, phenomena, and processes. The major discoveries through our time were translated based on scientific backgrounds, and human time now has never been reformed like it is today. Indeed, the tremendous modernization of our civilizations is shaped...Read more
Uncover who visits your LinkedIn profile for free

Uncover who visits your LinkedIn profile for free

It is becoming obviously clear that LinkedIn sat on the top of profession-related social media platforms. Beyond sharing updates, success, blogs, news and inspirational activities, LinkedIn is considered as a main work-associated platform for many recruiters or those who are looking for new challenges in their lives through either finding...Read more
Use these 5 major tips to hunt your travel research grants.

Use these 5 major tips to hunt your travel research grants.

Knowledge dissemination represents one of the most powerful tools in science development. National and international conferences, symposiums, different scientific meetings, abroad short courses, are all of the major interest, however; not all of us are “lucky” enough to attend. In fact, luck has nothing to do with the application you...Read more