List of potential research grant providers

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Check out the list below to find a suitable research grant for your research proposal.



AGAUR Beatriu de Pinos Postdoctoral fellowships
ARUK Research Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
ARUK Senior Research Fellowship PI salary funds
BAEF postdoctoral fellows Postdoctoral fellowships
Banting postdoctoral fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship PI salary funds
BHF Career Re-entry Research Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
BHF Immediate Postdoctoral Basic Science Research Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
Canon Research Fellowships Postdoctoral fellowships
Czech Science Foundation Junior projects PI starting grants
Czech Science Foundation Standard projects PI grants
DAAD Fellowship (German citizens) Postdoctoral fellowships
EMBO Installation Grants PI starting grants
EMBO Long Term Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
ERC Consolidator Grant PI starting grants
ERC Starting Grant PI starting grants
FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus PI salary funds
FEBS Long Term Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (German citizens) Postdoctoral fellowships
FWF Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
FWF Hertha Firnberg Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
FWF Lise Meitner Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
FWF Start Grant PI starting grants
FWO Pegasus Marie-Curie Fellowship (CO-FUND) Postdoctoral fellowships
FWO postdoctoral mandates junior and senior Postdoctoral fellowships
HFSP Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
HFSP Long Term Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
IWT innovation mandates Postdoctoral fellowships
JDRF Fellowship (Diabetes) Postdoctoral fellowships
KWF – Project grant PI salary funds, PI starting grants, PI grants
KWF – Young Investigator Grant Postdoctoral fellowships, PI starting grants
Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowships Postdoctoral fellowships
MINECO Postdoctoral Work Contracts Postdoctoral fellowships
MINECO Ramon y Cajal Work Contracts PI salary funds
MRC Career Development Award PI salary funds
MRC Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship PI salary funds
NWO – Veni Postdoctoral fellowships
NWO – Vici PI salary funds
NWO – Vidi Postdoctoral fellowships, PI starting grants
Peter & Traudl Engelhorn Stiftg. Postdoctoral fellowships
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
The Danish Council for Independent Research Sapere Aude starting grants PI starting grants
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Hallas Møller-Ascending investigator PI grants
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Hallas Møller-Emerging investigator PI starting grants
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Hallas-Møller-Distinguished Investigator PI grants
The Novo Nordisk Foundation NNF Laureate research grant PI salary funds
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowships PI salary funds
Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship Postdoctoral fellowships
Wellcome Trust/ Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowships PI salary funds
WWTF Life Science Call PI starting grants
CRI irvington Starting grants, Postdoc, PI
CancerFonden Research grants, Postdoc, etc

Swedish Research Council Research grants, Postdoc, etc
SSMF Research grants, Postdoc, etc

The Incyte Nordic Grant  for Hematological Research


Research grants
Carfoord stiftelsen Research grants
Research funding Germany 
Research funding UK 
NIH grants and Funds 
List of Swedish and Nordic External Funding Sources 
USA biomedical research 

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